Saturday, January 28, 2006

More pou for you

Poutine, that is. And for me, too, as you can see. On our way to the Broken Social Scene show, the Canadian collective du jour, we indulged in some gutt-clogging fun at Pommes Frites. In this picture, what you see are two servings of 1000% of your lifetime recommended intake of acrylamide, trans-fat, pesticide and MSG. Thank god I only managed to eat two-thirds of my poutine.

But now, let me take a moment to wax poetic on the mighty poutine. For the uninitiated, poutine is the Quebecois delicacy of layering fries with cheese curd, and then dousing the whole she-bang with hot gravy. Ideally, for me, Belgian fries and real cheese curds are used--the kind that squeak in your teeth. This grotesque concoction is what broke my metabolism while in living in Muntreal: night of drinking beer + poutine before bed = FAT. And the next morning, I would eat the cold, congealed leftovers. It was just that irrestible. I could never understand why the poutine phenomena has only stayed in Quebec. I mean, it was so ubiquitous that you could get poutine at Burger King up there. Also, being the food for champions, it never failed to keep me warm in the bitter Canadian winters--it's tasty and practical!

I still get nostalgic and misty-eyed at the memory of Mtl. poutine. To be honest, I think Pommes Frites has pretty tasty poutine, but minus the curd squeak. The fries were a good balance of crispy and mealy, and were well packed and nicely layered with the cheese. The gravy was tasty enough, and the amount of gravy was just right; enough to flavour and lubricate the whole thing, but not so much that the fries were swimming in gravy. Nobody likes to have to fish their fries out of puddles of gravy.

mmmmmmmmmmm cheese curd! What a good idea...
Maybe you could make your own pou. I know it's been done in an extreme circumstance when a friend of mine could not control the craving and knew that a pilgrimage to Quebec was impossible--buy some fries, heat some gravy, and add your cheese of choice.

It would be great to have poutine in one of Mister Bento's bowls if you are ever recovering from a hangover at work. Man, I just gave myself an idea...
"Thank god I only managed to eat two-thirds of my poutine."

Only two thirds??? Sorry, MC, but for this, you must be shot. And not just shot, but shot by Canadians - the worst kind of shot.

Just so you know, poutine has indeed travelled to the more delicious parts of New England -- in Manchester, New Hampshire, the West Side is crawling with Quebecois, and they brought their gravy-laden culinary specialty with them. They also brought eels.

Nice to know that New England is basking in the glory that is poutine.

As for the eels...if the Quebecois prepare eels, I am completely prepared to consume and post about it. Sounds like you are throwing down a challenge, greg nog, and I am ready to take it. You know that I'm up for eating almost everything...
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