Saturday, January 28, 2006

Technical shiznit n friends

Since the launch of Hungry Hippo Central (HHC, if you will), I've been taking baby-steps towards figuring out how this here blog works. I've learned how to strategically place links to other sites, post photos, set up side bar links, and alter my comments section.
I point all this out because I want visitors to:
-appreciate my hard work (procrastination from actual work)
-welcome and encourage non-bloggers--and bloggers--to comment
-notice that I've added a couple blogging friends from my days in Mtl, and check out their sites

I've also linked to a number of my favourite food blogs, though they don't know I have yet. I'm still naive in the ways of blog etiquette. Maybe I'm being rude, much like my first year of email-sending, when I didn't know that the use of caps is the EQUIVALENT OF YELLING IN SOMEONE'S EAR.

Well Hello!

What a quirky name for a food blog, I love it. Thanks for the link.

Also for great ways to find out how to do different things on yer blog, visit Food Blog Skool--- there's a link on my site. From the geeky code oriented people to ones not so tech savvy as me, you will find answers to your blogging questions.

I like the design on your teacup.
Welcome to food blogging world!
Hello Shuna,
It is so great to get a comment from you! I truly enjoy your food blog, from your posts about working in the food industry to your thoughts/observations about stamps and letters.

I have yet to 'make contact' with all blogs and bloggers I read, partially because I didn't feel as though I had much to say in the past--but this has changed since I started my own. I really hope I'm not being rude by linking to others, unbeknownst to them, but I just wanted my non-food blog friends to stop by other food blogs. I assume they only read mine because they know me...

Thank you for your tip on tech help, I'll definitely be checking that out. I was curious to know, how did you know that I had linked to eggbeater?

I'm glad you like my teacup--it was a birthday gift from a friend, and I love it too. Thanks so much for stopping by HHC, and I hope to see you around in the blogosphere.

MC Hungry Hippo
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