Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Negligent bloggher returns to posting after visiting MoMA, dog show

It's been awhile. I've been off hanging out with Momma and Brother Hippo. They were in town for the last week, and I've spent most of my time gallavanting around the city with them. Highlights included going to the MoMA, where I found this:

Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to credit the artist, but I will find out (and update) the next time I'm there.

And also the Westminster Dog Show...

Now, it's time to get back to food...

And to think that in some countries these dogs are eaten.
Yes, I've thought about this fact. Although I've never tasted dog flesh myself, I've been told that long-haired dogs (such as the Old English Sheepdog, as pictured above) are very rarely consumed because of their pungent "doggy-flava". I believe the milder tasting, short-haired breeds are preferred for eating purposes.
But which dog would you pick to be your wide receiver?
I think the more pressing question is which dog would I pick to be my tight end? I'm currently still deciding, using AKC recognized criteria.
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