Sunday, February 05, 2006

Slowly, but surely, this thing grows

In the last few of days, I've added some more blogs and sites to my blogroll. I decided I needed a reference section (Need answers?), which , so far, includes The Cook's Thesaurus and Wikipedia.

I've also listed more friends: Monkey Wearing Chaps (90210 adventures and misadventures), gregnog (visiting his site is like hanging out at someone's house: you can read his comics, play paperdoll with him, listen to his music, and meet his friends), and Bitch-Dork (Pitchfork-who?).

Finally, in the food blog section, I've linked to The Amateur Gourmet, who has witty posts and incorporates pop culture references into his food adventures.

I also want to introduce Goliath, the hamster I've adopted for the site. If you click on Goliath, he'll do a few laps on his hamster wheel. He's a good boy, but try not to feed him too much junk.

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