Sunday, May 07, 2006

No snot, just hives

Hello! It's been awhile, hasn't it? And now I am back, bumpy, spotty, and itchy. It's allergy season times ten here, and in the past I'd never suffered from high pollen counts, but this year, it's a first. The interesting part is that I don't have the average runny nose and puffy eyes. My body decided to do it differently--so I'm covered in hives, from head to toe...literally. To all those who thought it was a case of bed bugs or scabies: you are wrong (thank god).

Much has happened in the meantime, though, and I'll first point you to a post that I loved, and makes most of the points I wish I could easily verbalise on the topic. Many of you are already fans of my girl Monkey, so here's another shout out to her.

So, I'm backing to cooking and eating, especially since I'm not entirely sure of what's causing the hives/rash. I'd like to be able to blame it on the ever-blossoming flora here, but I'm currently trying to cut out some allergenic foods, like nuts and most dairy products, and trying to resist overindulging in wheat and corn. Notice how pork is not in this list? Just to celebrate the small things, I ordered some Berkshire bacon tonight...

Thanks for the shoutout!
Yikes! Are you on an anti-histamine? That could help get rid of the worst of the hives. It sounds like you are definitely allergic to something, but it's probably not pollen if you have no snot factor. I'd second your guess on the food thing.

Actually, the same kind of thing happened to me at McGill when discovered that I'm mildly allergic to too much citrus. Because our nasty caf had awful food (shudder) I was loading up on fruit for a while, and squirreling it away in my room. But every time I'd eat like 2-3 oranges in a day (as opposed to a meal) I'd break out in crazy itchy hives/rash all over my legs. Talk about nasty! Once I cut down on the oranges everything went back to normal.

Keep an eye on the situation and if it gets worse make sure to see the doctor.

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