Sunday, May 14, 2006

Solar melted chocolate

The man on the television announces that rain is predicted for the next week or so. I've stopped paying attention because I'm still itching my armpits. But I'm half-smiling, as I remember the hot, sunny day, about a month ago, when I stopped to pick up a chocolate chip cookie from Build a Green Bakery.

These cookies are huge, around the size of a bread plate, and are the sort of cookies that every kid's dream-mom would bake every day. Buttery crisp edges with a resiliently chewy centre and chunky chocolate chips. And made with all organic ingredients. As with the store itself, which is all recycled/recyclable, renewable and non-toxic. Something mom would approve of, or, at least, something my mom would approve.

I took my cookie to the park, in its brown paper bag. I watched the old lady tea party meet and gossip, watched flowers bloom from tree trunks, and let the sun pre-melt the chocolate chips before the cookie met my mouth.

Build a Green Bakery
223 First Ave. (near 14th St.)

That looks like the same park where they filmed that scene in "You've Got Mail."
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