Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Responsibility and flakiness

I'm back to posting. I have been crazy busy here, and so much has happened in the last week. My girl Sparks came to visit, and I have many stories about our adventures. Also, a friend/labmate defended her thesis, so there has been much distraction and celebration. Her impending graduation also means that my status in the lab is changing--my new title of "senior grad student" is pending. This new title implies the possession of a sort of knowledge or wisdom or some kind of know-how. Unfortunately, I fear that these skills have passed me by in some way, which leads me to question my ability to take on responsibility. I'm flaky, I know it, and this last week, I got many inquiries from friends wondering what was up with the lack of posting. So here I am, back to reporting the highlights of what I manage to ingest. Next time I go long stretches with no posting, I promise to post in advance and say so. I've heard it's the polite thing to do.

It happens to the best of us! Glad I'm not "senior grad student" in my lab - yikes! Don't worry, I'm sure you have the necessary wisdom and know-how; if not you can always B.S. (we all have degrees in this, you know). Best of luck - and get back to cooking when you can - those cheesy buscuits sound delish!

Thanks for your nice comment on my site, MCHH, I appreciate the sentiments more than you know.
Congrats on senior grad student! I can't wait till you're professor Mc Hungry Hippo. I am totally going to sit in on one of your and Sparks' classes one day!
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