Tuesday, April 04, 2006

H-Town, Represent!

I got back to NYC Sunday night, but have been more or less brain-dead until now. So brain-dead, in fact, that I watched Just Like Heaven* last night. But now I'm back to talk about some of the tasties that I engulfed while in Texass, and to alleviate my recent blogstipation.

*I feel an explanation is necessary. I like Mark Ruffalo and refuse to believe that he would get involved in an unwatchable movie. And I'm pleased to report that Just Like Heaven was not bad, for a romantic comedy. The absolute worst part of the movie was the opening sequence in which an acoustic-guitar-and-harp-driven version of the song Just Like Heaven played. The song was sung by a woman who changed the female pronouns to male pronouns. Somewhere out there, I am certain that Robert Smith is weeping. Sobbing, actually, with his eye make-up all streaming down his face.

I doubt it. He sold out Pictures of You to Hewlett Packard.

I swear the random word selection is programmed by Google to be subtlely coded naughty talk. I just typed in "xuxbalz" which is pretty much just sucks ballz lightly disguised.
You're right about his selling out... he probably is cackling all the way to the bank on a regular basis. But never have I heard a Cure song that has been so butchered. Usually Robert sells his songs as is, but in this movie... oh my god, I'm getting the heebie-jeebies just thinking about the harp in this song. UGH.

By the way, I thought about cancelling the word verification on the comments, but the idea of people being forced to type things like 'xuxbalz' and 'lagina' makes me laugh.
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